Saint George
About The Emblem:
The St. George Emblem is a national recognition approved by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting.
Any adult who is working in the Scout program under Catholic auspices.
To Catholics in Scout units not chartered by the Church.
To those who have made a significant contribution to Scouting in the field of Catholic relationships. It can be given to men, women, priests and religious..
Observing the use and value of an emblem presented to adults for outstanding service to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in the Scouting program, the national Catholic Committee on Scouting and the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America approved the St. George Emblem in l955. St. George, who died a martyr in the year 303, was the patron saint of knighthood and of England. All Scouts and Scouters are familiar with the St. George flag. The principal order of knighthood in England was placed under the patronage of St. George. The feast day of St. George, April 23, was a national holiday and holy day of obligation for English Catholics for many years.
Early stories of St. George’s knighthood describes his public witnessing of his faith, his arrest, brave suffering, and martyrdom. A later legend, which added a description of St. George as a knight who rescued the king’s daughter in Libya, was probably responsible for much of the popularity given to St. George as a defender of virtue, even at the risk of life itself, and as a person who spent his own life in the service of others.
St. George is an appropriate patron saint for Scouting, whose ideals describe many of the virtues demanded of those who would be knights. Likewise, Scouts and Scouters are called upon to make a public commitment to their ideals. The St. George Emblem identified and gives recognition to members of the laity and clergy, Scouters and non-Scouters alike, who have made a significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of youth in Scouting under Catholic auspices.
To recognize the recipient’s outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of the Catholic youth in the program of the Boy Scouts of America.

Each Unit, Council and Parish may submit the name of a possible candidate for the reception of this emblem. A candidate may be submitted by the Scout Committee in his parish, by a group of individuals who are active in youth affairs, a registered scouter in the parish, or by the pastor. Approval of the pastor must be acquired before application will be considered.
Recommendations should carefully detail how the nominee meets the guidelines for selection. The St. George Emblem recommendations are evaluated on the basis of the guidelines, however, they are indicative of some of the things that the Selection Committee should be looking for. The St. George Award is for adults that do service beyond their unit level, whether at a district, council, or within the Diocese of Charleston Catholic Committee on Scouting. This is not inclusive as there are many other areas that are considered.
Work accomplishment and dedication is the major criteria for receiving this award, although, a minimum of five years of service to youth and Scouting with three years in the diocese is required..
Complete the nomination form and send all materials in one envelope to:
George Faller III, Chairman, DoCCCS
107 Townes Rd.
Columbia SC 29210
Award Ceremony:
The emblem will be presented once a year at the Annual Scout Convocation which is held on Scout Sunday at St. Joseph’s in Columbia. Bishop Guglielmone will present each scouter with his/her emblem.
Adults who receive this recognition are also entitled to wear an adult Religous Knot over the left pocket of their BSA uniform.
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting permits one emblem annually for each diocese plus one for every 20 Catholic chartered units or fractions thereof with emphasis on the importance of being selective, and that there be no feelings that the full quota must be used every year. No honorary recognitions are to be made.
The recipients of the emblem are to be sought after and selected by an active committee. This committee will be newly appointed annually by the diocesan chairman and chaplain at least 90 days before the date of the emblem presentation.