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Regina Coeli


About The Emblem:

This award focuses on the importance of Mary and how she can lead one to Christ through her example. By studying God’s creation, the role of the church in her life and the importance of Christ’s words the scout is directed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through the program, girls should recognize their own personal spiritual growth, the importance of continuing to study their faith and of having a spiritual advisor to help them on their journey.



Registered Junior (or Cadette) Girl Scouts or Explorer American Heritage Girls of the Catholic Faith. The Scout must be between 9-11 years old and in grades 4-6. Adult supervision in the form of spiritual direction is highly encouraged throughout the program.


Program Objectives:

Regina Coeli is the official religious recognition program of the Diocese of Charleston for Catholic girls in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades who are enrolled in the Girl Scouts or American Heritage Girls. It is designed to support and complement the catechetical efforts of Catholic parishes and schools.


Girls working on Regina Coeli, should try to attend other Catholic scouting or youth related events during the time they are working on the award, including the fall Catholic Camporee, Youth Rally for Life in Columbia in January, and Scout Sunday at her home parish. 


It is suggested that the scout write her answers on paper first before they are written in her book. This will help ensure neatness and correct answers. In most cases, all available lines should be used to answer the questions; complete sentences are expected.


Each scout should have her own Project Book. The workbooks, as well as the awards, are available through the Diocese of Charleston Office of Youth Ministry.

Program Completion:

When completed, each book should be reviewed by the parish priest or the Catholic scouting coordinator. The application form in the back of the project book is signed by the applicant, the adult leader and the priest moderator for the group. Applications are processed by the Diocese of Charleston Office of Youth Ministry.

Award Ceremony:

The emblem will be presented to your Girl Scout or American Heritage Girl at a formal ceremony or Mass. This will be coordinated between the parents and the parish priest as to date and time of ceremony or Mass.

Scout's Role:

Actively work on the activities with her parents or guardians. 


Parent's Role:

Support the Religious Emblems Counselor in his/her role. Support your daughter as she shares lessons with the family. 


Suggested Time Requirements:

This award should be worked on during the nine-month school year and should become an integral part of the girl’s spiritual development during that time.

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