Family of God
About The Emblem:
Girls discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their family and parish. The six chapters help girls explore their relationship with their own family and as a part of God’s family.
Registered Girl Scouts or American Heritage Girls of the Catholic Faith. The Scout must be between 7 and 9 years old. The Family of God medal is designed for scouts in grades 2 and 3.
Program Objectives:
This bilingual activity series is divided into six chapters entitled:
I Am Special to My Family
Am Special to God’s Family
I Belong to My Family
I Belong to God’s Family
I Can Help My Family
I Can Help God’s Family
Each scout should have her own workbook. The workbooks, as well as the awards, are available through the Diocese of Charleston Office of Youth Ministry. Alternatively, Activity Books can be obtained directly from National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. The book cannot be copied.
Program Completion:
Upon completion of the workbook it is recommended that the group be given the opportunity to review what they have learned with their parish priest or other parish representative. The parent/guardian will need to send the application to the Diocese of Charleston Office of Youth Ministry.
Award Ceremony:
The emblem will be presented to your Girl Scout or American Heritage Girl at a formal ceremony or Mass. This will be coordinated between the parents and the parish priest as to date and time of ceremony or Mass.
Scout's Role:
Actively work on the activities with her parents or guardians.
Parent's Role:
Parents and guardians play a large role in assisting the children in completing the activities. Therefore, this program includes a guide for adults.
Suggested Time Requirements:
This program can take up to a three or four month period if done within an organizational setting.